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God Sent Prison Ministries Inc. aims to bring hope and encouragement to the incarcerated population who are doing time at various Los Angeles Institutions. Acting as an arm of the local church and empowered by the Spirit of God, we:


  • Touch lives with Christian love

  • Present the Gospel in clear and understandable terms

  • Nurture new believers in faith and discipleship

  • Facilitate contacts with churches and Christians on the outside

  • Help develop prison ministry teams in local congregations

  • Provide training to the local church, community and interested persons



“God’s Spirit is on me; he’s chosen me to preach the message of good news to the poor, sent me to announce pardon to prisoners and recovery of sight to the blind, to set the burdened and battered free, to announce “This is God’s year to act!”  Luke 4:18, 19 The Message


A staggering 2.2 million men and women are incarcerated – 700,000 men and women that our criminal justice system releases from prison each year, return to communities around the country. 95% of prisoners are released, 2 out of 3 will be rearrested and 2.7 million children have a parent in prison.


As Christians we believe that Jesus—Himself brought to trial, executed, buried, and brought to life again—offers hope, healing, and a new purpose for each life. Even the most broken people and situations can be made whole again.


Through an amazing awakening to new hope and life purpose, those who once broke the law are transformed and mobilized to serve their neighbors, and the cycle of crime is replaced by a cycle of renewal. Our focus is to bring a rehabilitative program that would send these prisoners back to the community as a new man or woman.  


Below is a Vimeo video, published publicly by LASD which is one of the facilities we serve

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