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The purpose of our Juvenile team is to serve the incarcerated youth at the Los Angeles Detention Centers with the love of Christ, showing up for them with love, grace, and a message of hope.  We partner with the Chaplain’s Eagles organization and are sent out to facilitate or co-facilitate Bible studies and pray for the incarcerated youth inside their housing units, either on Thursday evenings and Sunday mornings. We can also assist with Sunday morning chapel services.


We’d love to get to know you and invite you to find out more about serving in Juvenile Halls! You must be:


  • Must be over 18 years old

  • Must actively attend a church for a minimum of 6 months

  • Have some experience in volunteering in ministry

  • Can commit to serve in this ministry for a minimum of 1 year


Once you complete the online contact form, you will be contacted by our Juvenile Prison Ministry Leader Chaplain Carmen Avila and be expected to complete the following:


  • An online questionnaire

  • Provide 2 character references

  • Complete a phone interview with Carmen Avila

  • Attend orientation/online workshops with Andie Alama-Smith

  • Additional steps outlined below as required by Chaplain’s Eagles


Chaplain’s Eagles Application process involves:


  • Attend Chaplain’s Eagles orientation at Barry J Nidorf (in Sylmar) or Central Juvenile Hall (near Boyle Heights)

  • Complete and submit all paperwork for Chaplain’s Eagles volunteer application, including church belief statements and a character reference

  • Receive call from LA County Probation Department to schedule Live-Scan for a background check

  • Receive call once the background check cleared, to schedule final training and receive VISTO Badge (typically takes 3-6 months to receive badge from date of submitting completed application)


“I was in prison and you came to visit Me. Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least

of these brothers and sisters of Mine, you did it for Me. ” - Jesus

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